Ubiquitous Language and glossary

This page holds various definitions and glossary that will help you to understand Gorgonia and to communicate with the team (via PR or issues)


  • inner(most) dimension(s) - given a shape, the inner dimensions tend to the right. e.g. in a shape (2,3,4), the inner dimensions are (3, 4). The innermost dimension is 4.
  • outer(most) dimension(s) - given a shape, the outer dimensions tend to the left . e.g. in a shape (2,3,4), the outer dimensions are (2, 3). The outermost dimension is 2.
  • vector - a tensor of rank-1. e.g. (2), (3) … Vectors will be written [...]
  • column vector (or colvec) - a tensor of rank-2 (i.e. a matrix) with the inner dimension as 1. e.g. (2, 1), (3, 1)…
  • row vector - a tensor of rank-2 (i.e. a matrix) with the outer dimension as 1. e.g. (1, 2), (1, 3)…
  • matrix a tensor of rank-2, with arbitrary inner and outer dimensions. e.g (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3)… Matrices will be written in full notation in this doc. This includes colvecs and rowvecs.